The STL Bucket List Show

Anastasia Harris (Stazi) - Running the City

Lucas & Marissa Farrell Episode 123

We’re joined by Anastasia AKA Stazi, a popular local DJ, community activator, and more. Anastasia grew up in St. Louis but spent her college years and early adulthood on the East coast and Chicago. A few years ago, Stazi moved back to St. Louis and fell in love with the city and the people in it, this is home to her. 

As a DJ, Stazi plays stages all over the city including match day block parties at CITYPARK. Anastasia stays busy with her full-time job, music, and her new project ‘Run it Back.’ which is a community-focused adult track meet that is quickly gaining attention. In this episode we dive deep on Anastasia and her story. 

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